PrayerPods are seeding :: London


Dear Damini,

In a recent meeting of my lovely shamanic group our group leader told us of your prayer pod project (which she'd read about on Transmutation News).  We journeyed for prayers for the Earth and then enveloped the prayers in our own clay seed pod.  We each placed them in a place of nature and we're visiting them regularly. 

Mine is in  Queen's Wood. It's real ancient woodland London, only 5 mins walk from the tube station!  I work from every Wednesday and I am enjoying returning to it with a sense of curiosity and anticipation every week and to discover how it's interacting with the world around it.  I am taking a photo every week to document it's journey.


I am going to hold a free equinox celebration on 21st March where I invite people who have attended my workshops and sessions in the woods to come together and give appreciation to the woods for the welcome, wisdom and witness she has offered us during our work.  I am intending to invite them to create prayers and clay offerings too.  I will of course talk of your work and I wanted to check in with you before I do so.  Hoping that this feels like a fit with your vision and project. 

With appreciation,