Summer + Passion

June 21st is Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, when the Sun reaches its zenith. During this time, we rise to celebrate all the joy, Passion, and zest for life that Summer brings.

Throughout the seasons of the year, you have grown just like Nature. You have incubated, broken through, and sprouted. Now you are blooming — at the height of your heart’s joy.

Summer is the season to get in touch with your fire-y, joy-filled, big-hearted Self.

We all have different ways that we express our Passion. Some of us are like hot embers (slow burning, with potential), and some are like a bonfire (roaring, with dancing flames), and the rest of us are somewhere in-between.

Expressing from your heart is the focus of Summer.  

How do you express your heart?  Having friends over for dinner,  being creative, sitting quietly in the park?  Whatever way you express your passion is perfect, as long as you come from your heart.

In Traditional Asian medicine, Summer-Fire-Heart-Expression-Blooming are the same energetics. Summer is a time of warmth, joy, loving and laughter.

To support your internal Fire Element, you can:
        Consume beef, corn, grilled foods, spicy foods, and/or red wine.
       Wear some variation of red - - closer to your skin is better.
       Have a garden party, a heart-to-heart with someone, and/or write a love letter to yourself or to someone else.
       — Laugh, smile or twinkle.

Take a walk in Nature, and notice how Nature is growing into Summer.

As the Sun reaches its zenith on June 21st, know that this time of year holds your potential to bloom and express your heart’s Passion.

SHINE ON! Share with the world the bright, passionate being that you are and the beautiful heart that you have.

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