Dopamine: The Chemicals that keep us Happy

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Do you feel that you need a pick me up?

A Happiness boost?

I know there are many folks, including myself, writing about how Happiness is an inside job —and it is.  

What's an inside job? I think about inside jobs as mediation, which can help with an attitude adjustment; Yoga, walking in nature, exercise, and dancing (for Body support); and any self-discovery explorations that invite you to look at what your heart holds essential and what makes you happy (or not).

Over the past year, we've needed to rely on ourselves to fill our happiness cup more and more. And, I don't know about you, but no matter how hard I tried to keep myself well and happy, something was still missing.

Connecting to what makes us happy is a passionate topic for me, so I stared to read a bit about the chemicals that fill our happiness cup. I noticed how some chemicals I was accessing and others, not so much.

Throughout this month, I put together a few short blogs about chemicals that can help you Happiness Cup filled up.

❤️ Dopamine

Is the instant gratification drug that keeps you motivated. This chemical gives you the oomph to keep ongoing. You get a little hit of dopamine with each small win. For example, when you:

• Complete a task

• Decide on, pick up and eat a meal.

• When you get a like on your social media post

• Do a small task that will help you reach a long-term goal, for example, starting a new project, class, or exercise program.

Check, Check, and Check!

Dopamine doesn't last long in your system, so you may find yourself looking for more of those little wins, which can get addictive.

❤️PS, If you would like to explore a few others ways to Find Your Happy, check these live community events.

• On Tuesday afternoon I share some thoughts on How to get out of your Twirly Head and back into your Heart. You can see past episodes of Connect IN here>watch

• Each month I host Express Yourself, so you can free up what is bottled up inside.

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