Your Heart is the Generator for Your Body


Your Heart is the Generator for Your Body, and ENERGY makes your heartbeat.

What is energy?

artwork by Rachel Ignotofsky

artwork by Rachel Ignotofsky

E=MC2. Einstein's famous theory tells us that mass and energy are related, and that mass can be changed into energy, and energy can be changed into mass.

That's a pretty contemporary alchemical theory, but if you look way back into history, there are many different spiritual practices that work with alchemy to transform elements into something new, something of value.

Historically, alchemists tried to change lead into gold. From an energetic perspective, alchemy can change really dense ideas into light. That means you can change your attitudes, your energetic vibrations, from dense to light.

There are various ways you think about energy.

You have Einstein's way of thinking about energy.

And then we have how we talk about our internal energy—our life force, in these common phrases, such as: "I have a lot of energy," "I don't have a lot of energy," "I'm tired," or "wound up."

Now, let's expand our concept of Energy a bit wider.

In Eastern medicine, the energy life force is called Chi or Qi. (chee). In India, it's called Prana. Energy enlivens us but not just the body – it revitalizes your mind, your emotions. (Ahh, here's the energy-heart connection).

Energy is a system that can change, that can enliven, that can come in from food, air, and exercise.

Energy is something that moves us through life.

In addition to your physical systems, which you know as flesh, bones, nerves, and blood, just to name a few, but you also have multi-dimensional anatomy that is unseen and is absolutely felt. Often referred to as the subtle energy systems, called chakras from the Hindu tradition, meridians from the Eastern tradition. Plus, there are Auric fields, Energy fields, all of which hold blueprints of your brightest-best-self

Subtle energy systems generate your body's movement, inspire your mind, excite your senses, and allow for the free flow of expression of all emotions.

Why is this important?

Your energy is not just something that's bouncing around to keep your Heart beating – your energy can be managed and maintained. If you look at Yoga, Chi Gong, and Tai Chi, and other meditation practices, there is the quality of calming the mind. They're also about keeping yourself filled up with energy. That's why it's so important to understand that YOU CAN manage and maintain your energy.

When you are filled up with energy, you can not only feel energy-filled, awake alive, but when you are filled up with YOUR energy, nothing else can get in, other bad moods, other’s options. or anything else that does not allow you to thrive.

When you are filled up with energy, your Heart is full, and you can live a heart-centered or heart-guided life.

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