Do you still love me? :: Soulscape


A truth-telling time with your Soul

We are so conditioned to hide the relatively unpleasant parts of ourselves: being short with somebody, bitchy, or you’re just in a pissy mood. We spend a lot of energy to keep other people from seeing these unpleasant parts— but it slips out. We are human and try as we might we make mistakes.

The important part of the Soulscape process is that you allow your self the time and the freedom to be whoever you are— without trying to keep you in check.

The question is, can you still love yourself even when you let all those parts leak out? Don’t worry about other people think. First, look to yourself. Can you love yourself in whatever way that you show up- right now?

Last night I was short with a good friend, and even though I apologized I tossed and turned all night- cause I was “not good” and when I started the process today that is what was in front of me- but then the bigger question came up- Can I love myself- even when I make big mistakes and fuck up? It was the tender and vulnerable way that I wrote the question- that it softened my heart and brought some compassion in— for myself.

This powerful healing is the main reason to take paint or pens to paper. To allow yourself the time for self-reflection — to look at the perceived shiny parts and the perceived dark parts and accept or maybe even send a little love your way. That is the healing journey.

it’s great to do this work at home; it’s even more powerful to do with community support, so you don’t stop, walk away and ignore the tender parts of you that are trying to emerge and be free.

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