3 ways your inner strength can support you and your community

3 ways your inner strength can support you and your community

As we struggle with the many changes in our lives, it's vital to find our inner strength. We already have all the tools we need — we simply must remember to use them!

Over the past week, my heart has been heavy with anger and grief over the hatred, bullying, and outright racial violence that we have come to see everywhere around us.

I've spent a significant amount of time asking myself, How does what I offer help to make the world a better place? Am I doing the right thing to help support our community, our world? How does transformational healing work address racial injustice?

We must avoid shutting down in the face of the overwhelm, confusion, frustration, hurt, and pain that we feel inside us and we witness all around us.

We must stay connected to what's important.

We must stay connected to our hearts. When we are at peace with ourselves, we are more at peace with the world around us — and we are better able to collaborate with others to create much-needed change.

Here are 3 things you can do to access your gifts, strength, and inner wisdom.

1- Be honest with yourself. Honor all that you are feeling.

2- Find a centering practice that encourages you to take a breath and hold your center, instead of flying off the handle.

3- Go for a walk in Nature and slow down.

Now is the time for us to value the unique gifts, wisdom, and inner strength that others have to offer.

Wanna explore more ways to reclaim your inner strength? Join, Tools of the Heart .