A Meditation to Reclaim Your Inner Strength


In 2013, during a shamanic journey, I saw a clear vision that I was called to write a book. I saw the cover and the title. I knew it was a message from Spirit.

Since you've been following my blog, you know that I am passionate about embodied creativity and how transformational the process is.

Since the publication of Painting the Landscape of Your Soul, I've been in a constant battle with my inner saboteur. Whenever I step out of my comfort zone, She screams thousands of reasons why I can't stand up and be fully me. Who knew that writing a book can push so many buttons!

Even now, I don't have my Inner Critic in check all the time, but for the most part, I can notice when she is starting to take up more space. I notice she makes me question my self-worth and confidence. Plus, she makes my inner UMPH evaporate.

I see the inner critic like a barometer when she gets bossy know that you are approaching a growth spurt.

The first step is to recognize all the signs that signal when your inner critic is stepping up her game. You can get suddenly tired, start cleaning, get hungry, procrastinate, or NEED to check your email.
Once you recognize those patterns. Stop. Get grounded. Breath. Connect to your heart. These steps will help you regain your inner strength.

I hope that sharing my story helps you recognize when your Inner Critic deletes your inner strength and that this mediation enables you to find your center so that you, too— can reclaim your inner strength.

Wanna explore more ways to reclaim your inner strength? sign up, to download this mediation!

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