No Fan Fare:: Soulscape


Not much fanfare today

Embodied creation is brilliant at expressing what's inside.

With this soulscape exploration, I wanted to experience the truth of my heart.

Which immediately is fraught with projections, expectations, and whatever untruths I can throw my way. In the past when I have asked to feel into this heart space- my truth would trip myself up and backpedal thru the painting and in the end feeling like I lied to myself :(

But today, I must've been in my heart space, cause there wasn't a lot of fighting with my saboteur, who loves to make me feel worthless and stupid. Today, there was flow, softness, and gentleness.

I smiled at the end of the painting, cause I got to feel and be present with me :)

Be gentle with whatever shows up, cause sometimes, you'll touch your sweetness and other times your BS.

Honor both. Let your heart lead the way to surround your expectations.

Stop trying to make something happen. When you do, you're in the flow. And without a lot of fight or fanfare, you get to experience simply— You.