Getting Messy and Feel'n Free: A Soulscape exercise


Sound on!

When is the last time you allowed yourself to freely get messy?

When was the last time you finger-painted? Felt the paint squishing through your fingers? Or even toes? Now is the time to try it out.

First, let’s get ready. take some full, deep belly breaths. Breathe in from your nose. trace your breath as it goes from your nose, to your throat, down your chest, into your belly. Feel your belly expand. Count to five. then exhale. Following your breath out of your body—from belly, to chest, to throat, and out your mouth. Now you are in a centered place, a place of intuition rather than rational thinking.

See this exercise in Painting the Landscape of Your Soul page 131

Yummy Art Supplies used for this exercise:

Tempera paint on heavy paper