3 Steps to overcome the nay-sayers in your life


Are you happy being the super star and juggling everyone else’s needs?
Do you wish for so time to get clear on what you want and need?
Have you been thinking gezzz, if I could do anything I would.....
What’s your heart telling you?

This time of year, Summer solstice, in the Five Elements system of acupuncture, is a perfect time to reflect on what brings your joy. And what’s not.

You might notice that as you begin to dream or even take steps to follow your heart, the naysayers, both around you and inside you start streaming their bad advice and well, you begin to loose your conviction and wobble.

Your internal naysayer is your inner critic; she really wants to keep you safe, and sometime safe makes your feel timid, small, unworthy. Your time for small is over.

It’s time to hold your center, stay grounded, and trust what’s in your heart.

3 Steps to overcome the nay-sayers in your life

1. Close your eyes and feel your feet on the ground. Allow your breath to travel from your head to your feet and into the earth. Feel your body soften and relax.
Take a few more breaths like this.

2. Now while still feeling your feet on the earth, bring your attention to your heart area.
Think about something you love and notice how your body feels as you do. (this is your yes)

3. Now thing about something you really really dislike and notice how your body feels. (this is your no)

When you are grounded, centered and following your yes, you are heart-centered. So, Keep practicing this yes/no exercise and learn to trust your Heart and not your naysayer.

If you would like to learn more ways to follow your heart > Join Tools of the Heart , starting September 13th.